What makes Chris such a great abstract artist is that he began not as a visual artist at all, but a musician. Just as we stomp our feet to the sound of a guitar (Chris was and still is a guitarist in a band), so too does he create his abstractions in accordance to whatever rhythm his mind is playing. He calls this way of creating 'streaming consciousness', as he
states in one of his works:
'The absence of reason is true expression'. As he reminds, me, his work is not intellectually thought out but instead entirely 'visceral'.
In this regard, Chris' way of creating not only benefits from spontaneity but requires it. He tells me for example, that 'one night, as we were just sitting here watching TV, I just had this burst of enthusiasm and I just had get up just totally redo a piece I had made for our living room - which my partner wasn't too happy about!' he laughs. Apart from perhaps being a reflection of his extroverted personality, such innovative outbursts may also explain why Chris' works are so colourful. Yet these colourful abstractions stem not only from the way he thinks but the materials he uses to create.