An illustrator in perhaps the truest form of the word; Clare expresses not so much in the way of emotion in her work but other-worldly concepts. Behind each of these illustrations lies not only a story but, as we shall uncover, immensely deep and interconnected themes of nature, spiritualism and folklore.
Living in the countryside however, has made Clare's work what it is. For, as we can clearly see, it is in the surrounding woods and hills, the setting night skies and the changing of the seasons, that Clare finds not only the inspiration for her work, but its key features.
'It's a liminal land... you might see a glimpse of light when you're out walking in the woods or in the fields and I'm giving a name to that'. This land that straddles our conscious and unconscious minds that Clare touches upon, is a place which we all visit but scarcely explore; the depths of our imagination.

This world Clare conjures and constructs, known as the 'Thorney Borough' is knitted together by a witch - albeit a good one (as you can see, her clothes are green not black) - a sort of Mother Nature figure who not only maintains balance but keeps an eye on the small bunnies who run around it; known as 'wilburs'. For all their antics however, these small creatures actually play a vital role, 'like all animals' Clare reminds me, in maintaining the world she creates notice how they hoist up the sun in the featured images.