CARO: Shedding a funny & bold perspective on the artworld each month

HELLO, MY DEAR LITTLE READERS! Glad to see you back for another round of, “what shit is she going to spew this time?!”. Rest assured lovely readers; this month is a calmed one. Mainly because I’ve been moving houses, and it is actually a very humbling experience. No matter how cool you are and how much sex appeal you think you’ve got, there’s nothing like carrying drawers upstairs and realising your ultra-low waist, oversized, overpriced, Y2K inspired jeans have left your arse crack out for all your new neighbours to see. I hope your month has been going better than mine.
But the only cardio I’ve done in months aside, as I am writing this, April is finishing and May is just around the corner, and what a month it has been! A month which I thought would put a stop to the psychological torture of daily grey skies and sub-5-degree temperatures, but no.
I am once again being punished by a greater force and I still do not know why. Alas I will have to be content with the great week I’ve had (moving issues aside). Because, aside from my war on clouds and low waisted jeans, April sure has seen some art world movement; the Venice Biennale starting, me going to Gasworks for the first time, and much closer to home- the Turner prize nominations being decided (ooooo, ahhhhhh). The Turner prize, as you may very well already know, is considered to be the most prestigious award a living artist can get in Britain, and past winners include Steve McQueen, Tracey Emin, Grayson Perry, and in a not so distant future, me.