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Unveiling the Mesmerising Photography from 'MINDSCAPES' by Lucy Purrington

The past is a seemingly quiet place. Unable to verbally remind us of its past presence. Much of who and what has gone before is seldom thought of by those of us alive today. It is a world which appears only temporarily in the imagination as a silent black and white land, filled with unrelatable items and characters, be it a top hatted Victorian or a spear wielding Arapaho Chief. Yet if you were to just take a moment to look around the landscape in which you stood, then you'd realise that the past is in fact trying to speak to us all the time.

Take Lucy's image of the red building for instance. At first glance you might think the structure to be dull or mundane, yet, as Lucy shows through her use of black ghost-like fabrics, this is a place that is filled with past emotions. As she says: 'black tentacles reaching out as though they were alive and full of purpose... the building itself has a story of its own, from its fall from use to its abandonment; a hidden history that is asking to be recognised.' Though, what happens when we are unable to understand our ancestors past emotions through their tangible creations? What happens when there is no old construction to be seen?

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