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Exploring the Passion and Process of Deborah Pearse's Oil Painting

When I was a kid, I was shy but very imaginative, always drawing and creating... a real fan of pareidolia, often seeing faces and people in other things' Deborah tells me. By looking at some of her recent work, such as Orchidaceous Fairy Tale, you can see how such imaginative influences are still prominent in her work today - 'they are forms of expression but also enquiry'. Though, despite this early interest, Deborah decided to go into performing arts and spent many years doing acting and comedy.

'Orchidaceous Fairy Tale'

These experiences however, once Deborah returned to the art world after completing a Fine Arts Degree (something which earned her a place at the prestigious Central Saint Martin's Art College), have enabled her to develop the primary theme which, as we shall see, constitutes her artwork today: transformation.

Since re-igniting her love for Fine Art, Deborah has won numerous awards, such as The King Sturge Art Prize and has had her work, Curious Embrace, included in the Gemini Art Prize. Her work has also been selected to feature in multiple exhibitions, such as the British Institute in Milan and the Courtauld Institute. She has also had her own solo show at the Gallery Differentiate in the Shad Thames. Being a hypnotherapist for some time too, Deborah also enjoys expressing our senses and perceptions in her work.

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